ConPaaS-1.2.0 is available

The ConPaaS team is proud to announce the release of ConPaaS-1.2.0. This release extends the previous versions and brings a number of important new features:

  • Multi-cloud deployments: ConPaaS can now be deployed over several clouds simultaneously. The user can choose in which cloud each virtual machine gets deployed. This may be useful for example to deploy ConPaaS over multiple availability zones in Amazon EC2, or to integrate resources from a private cloud together with a public one.
  • Virtual private network support: all communications between virtual machines belonging to the same application may now go through a multipoint virtual private network. This allows one to hide the network heterogeneity between machines located in different clouds, and to easily traverse firewalls. This feature exploits the IPOP technology.
  • Automated deployment of entire applications: instead of deploying multiple related ConPaaS services one by one, ConPaaS users can now deploy entire applications in one click. All that is necessary is to write a simple “application manifest” which specifies the list of required services and their configuration. ConPaaS provides a few ready-made manifests for common applications.
  • Performance monitoring: all ConPaaS services now have the ability to monitor their own performance using standard and service-specific metrics.

ConPaaS is a runtime environment for hosting applications in the cloud. It aims at offering the full power of the cloud to application developers while shielding them from the associated complexity of the cloud. ConPaaS is designed to host both high-performance scientific applications and online Web applications.  It automates the entire life-cycle of an application, including collaborative development, deployment, performance monitoring, and automatic scaling. Finally, it runs on a variety of public and private clouds, and is easily extensible. This allows developers to focus their attention on application-specific concerns rather than on cloud-specific details. For more information about the ConPaaS project as a whole we recommend this overview article.

To try the new release the simplest option is ConPaaS Online: new users can register and try the system for free during a limited period.

The ConPaaS team is busier than ever in building new functionality and in making ConPaaS an even better system. Stay tuned for the next releases!

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